Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Paper Bag

This morning I sorted a maze of things on my part of the garage shelves, a task put off all winter - or longer. I picked up a small, empty brown paper bag from Chipotle's that had paragraphs of printed words down one side. I was surprised to read a legend from Paul Coehlo. At the bottom of the bag was printed the fantastic logo, "Cultivating Thought - Author Series."
Here's a brief synopsis of a familiar tale. A man carried water every day to his village, using 2 old pitchers... tied to a piece of wood across his shoulders. One water pot had small cracks and each day, the man lost most of the water from it. One day, the pitcher apologized for the flaw and the man smiled. "Look at the path tomorrow. The edge of the path is filled with growing vegetables and flowers. Each day I water this garden path line to turn your flaw into my advantage. On the other side of the bag, was a message from Paul. "We all, at some point, grow old and acquire other qualities, and these can always be turned to good advantage." Now I can hardly wait to read another Chipotle bag.

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