Saturday, February 16, 2013

WOKE UP TO SNOW and this afternoon 1-4, I'm at the AUTHOR BOOK FAIR, at the Downtown Main Branch of Omaha, NE Library. Will sit at a table to offer my books, along with 40 other local authors. Besides meeting readers who come out after a snow, it's always inspiring to meet other writers. I know a few who will be there, but writers are fascinating people and come from so many different places of the mind.

Monday, February 11, 2013

and happy writer, when this review arrived:  “One of the best I’ve seen on this time in Lincoln’s and the country’s life. I was moved while reading it and will share with my son and grandson, both buffs of the Civil War. D. Hamer”
IN TUCSON, AZ, ON LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY,  I read a shortened version of the story to 4th and 5th graders in three public schools.  Each class was a quiet, attentive audience.  At the end of the story I gave each young person a Lincoln penny and they were thrilled to receive a coin they might not have bothered to pick up from the ground. The connection to Lincoln's world made the penny magical.   

Thursday, February 7, 2013

LINCOLN & THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS, ONE NOVEMBER is the name of the creative non-fiction story I've posted on Amazon, in time for Lincoln's birthday. When I researched the events in Lincoln's and our country's life during this particular time, it became a tumultuous series of happenings that throbbed with family and politics, an example of truth more dramatic than fiction. I think of the humble penny and offer it for 99 cents.