Monday, November 26, 2012


There are the books everyone had heard about: Twilight, Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Gray. But what about all those books written by people you’ve never heard of? Some of them are treasures, just waiting to be found, and that’s what this blog hop is all about: the books you might not have heard about, but that you might end up loving.

This blog hop is like a game of tag. One author posts and tags other authors who link back to their website the next week and tag other new authors. If you follow the blog hop long enough, you’re bound to find some books you’ll love! Maybe you’ll even discover a book that ends up being the next big thing.

I was tagged by Gina Barlean. You can learn more about her book Recipes For Revenge, A Four Course Novel, on her blog

Here’s info on my current project, my just released novel Powerball 33

1: What is the working title of your book? The real thing Powerball 33,  once called So Much Depends 

2: Where did the idea come from for the book? My husband and I listened to an interview with a lottery winner. One of us (which one? We aren’t sure) said, “There’s a story. there.”

3: What genre does your book fall under? Mainstream

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? How about Bradley Cooper for Ed, Jack Black as a buddy, Kristen Stewart for Estelle, Christina Aquilera for Chickie Frickasee, Lucy Liu playing Loo Loo, Roseanne as Pansy, Colin Farrell for some danger. I’ve got a part for Russell Brand too. And I’m considering Thomas Hayden Church for a role. A quirky group of characters that would be a dream to cast. 

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? A young handyman grapples with sudden wealth, surrounded by the quirky characters who show up to take him along on a wild and crazy ride.

6: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Self-published. The Indie market has opened the door to today’s dedicated writers. I’ve gone the traditional route, had agents, but this is more fun, although more work, but who’s complaining. For an author, it’s about telling a story to the readers. 

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? On and off, probably a year. And I did stow it away for a while.

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? I can't think of a book that's comparable, but I don't like following formulas. It contains a bit of Steinbeck’s buddy novels, a little borrowing of format from Kurt Vonnegut, a hint of the absurd from Tom Robbins. To me, it's a tangle of adventure, romance, action, comedy, and philosophy that doesn't resemble any novel I've read. Help me out, someone?

9: Who or What inspired you to write this book? My husband, no doubt.

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? Ever dream about what’d you’d do if you won millions of dollars? Ever wonder about the meaning of money?

Here is a list of authors who will be joining the hop for week 22 on November 21st. I hope you’ll visit their blogs next week and learn more about their books. Maybe one of them will become your new favorite author!

(Be sure to add the other authors you have asked to join along with their links)

1 Marilyn Coffey http://marilyncoffey.blogspot.con/

2 Elena Diaz Bjorkquist.

3 Janet Nitsick

4 Smoky Zeidel


Monday, November 19, 2012

Tagged by Gina Barlean, more explanation to come. Right now, I'm in a flurry, promoting my just released book POWERBALL 33, on Amazon in print and ebook. What a delight to say that the light hearted novel is also available at the Bookworm in Countryside Village, Omaha NE. Today, I'm trying to decide who should play the parts of the hero, his buddies, sweet friend, 2 thugs from Vegas, 2 wild women, the town bomber and oddball relatives. I have a casting story, also to be revealed later. Who was just named the world's sexiest man? Hmmm.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Finally, my quirky novel POWERBALL 33 has been released on Amazon, 318 pages, both in print and ebook. Playfully serious, POWRBALL is the offbeat story of Ed Frink, a young handyman, who wins the $200,000,000 lottery. A nice guy, he loves the countryside and his work, keeps the poetry he writes in his toolbox, and is totally unprepared for the havoc that erupts in his small town. Odd relatives , thugs from Vegas, a mysterious bomber, and designing women like Estelle Chante and Chickie Frickasee  show up to yank Ed along on a crazy ride through sudden wealth. Money can fix lots of things, but can it help a friend with an abusive husband, or cure the woes of alcohol?  In an off kilter way, POWERBALL 33 tackles the meaning of money, life with it and life without it.
I sighed through the excitement when my box of copies arrived yesterday.  As a writer, a different kind of journey  now begins,  traveling through the land of readers, as I wave high my completed novel  for any and all to see and wish to read.